This EA scalps DIVERGENCE and always trades in one direction on both EURUSD and USDFCHF – negatively correlated pairs, either buy or sell according to pair divergence (difference), calculated from some bars ago (ZeroCrossBarNumber parameter) . So there’s some kind of protective hedging. When divergence is greater than DeltaMinToOpen and less than DeltaMaxToOpen it waits untill current price to last bar price ratio is greater than ConfirmReversalRatio parameter, to be sure that divergence is closing and only then CrazyCTrader EA opens its position. There’s a protecting logic – when the divergense starts to expand out of control, EA opens new HEDGING positions – against trend or trendwise.
CrazyCTrader EA was developed and tested for the Metatrader5 platform, and This is the Metrader4 version, this will not be testable in the MT4 tester as it does not support the multi-currency backtesting.